United Nude 3D- printed Shoes

Check out these funky 3D printed shoe collection for  United Nude  by architects Zaha Hadid, Ben van Berkel and Fernando Romero, and designers Ross Lovegrove and Michael Young. These aren’t shoes… these are hooves! These aren’t very practical, but who cares…. they’re sure to spruce up any outfit into intergalactic status. …

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Boxed Monsters

A Pennsylvanian company named  Fine Line Workshop takes wooden boxes and transform them into mythical monsters complete with scaly, leather skin, protruding teeth and glass eyes. These little treasure boxes are completely handmade and are waiting to start their adventure at home with you! I’d totally carry one around. I’d also …

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Australian artist Kirstie Williams has made fascinators that resemble octopus out of Beyonce’s retired hair weaves and they look fantabulous! The eyes make them extra creepy and the curled ‘tentacles’ give it a nice ‘sweet’ factor. It’s all about balancing sweet and creepy! Any who, I’d wear his on my head …

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The Causes and Cures- Eye Wrinkles

The Causes and Cures- Eye Wrinkles Do you think that you will not get the crows feet just because you are in your 30s? Do you believe that only 50+ people/ senior citizens must worry about wrinkles? If yes, then you are gravely mistaken. Even though age is a major …

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