I took on a very fun project recently that up cycled a child’s potty throne into the majestic “Game of Thrones” iron throne. Although the throne is a mini version for a child, I intend on having my cats, Mr. Miggins, Mrs. Minky and Miss Mimi to take afternoon naps on it. It’s a Kitty Throne! Who am I kidding? They’ll probably just use the an Amazon box instead…. Anywho, here are the steps I took to recreate the iconic throne of Westeros:
I used garden posts (like the thin ones for labeling a garden)to make the ‘swords’. The wood is very thin, but sturdy for the project. I was able to cut the wood with scissors to shape the sword handles fairly easily. The paint I used were three different shades of Rust-o-leum Hammered metal finish. This spray was great, since I didn’t have to prime the wood at all… it was a one-stop spray. SO EASY.
I decided to give the throne and swords some detail with raised scrolls here and there. To achieve that look, I used a glue gun to pipe out scrolls and what not. Then, I spray painted the detail and used black paint mixed with gold glitter for a shimmery look on the glue gun ‘scrolls’.
Now, it was time to affix the many ‘swords onto the throne itself. I thought to hammer them in with very short nails, however, I was afraid of the wood would split. So, I just glue gunned the whole thing on and found it to be pretty sturdy, to my surprise!
The whole project took only about an hour to do (not including the dry times in between spray paint coats). The total cost of the project was about $35 for the paint and supplies, plus the potty throne, which we had since my first child who is now 13 years old!
The throne sits near the Dragon Eggs of Daenerys Targaryen that made with large sequined Easter eggs from the Dollar Store and some paint. We are SO ready for the last season of Game of Thrones…. Let’s see if Mr. Miggins takes the throne!
photos: Moi