Oh dear! Here is a super grotesque tent created by Swiss artist Andre Hasler. Honestly, this is super disturbing to me because in a few weeks, my 8 year old has a a school camping trip coming up and already I have anxiety about not having running water, no wi-fi, eating prepackaged foods and sleeping amongst the wild! Last year, we ended up just coming for the day and leaving at night to sleep in our comfy beds at home… we may just do that again, especially since I’m about to pop out my third son around that time and also because camping goes against my religion of glamour.
Anywho, here is the artist statement that goes with this nasty tent….“Metaphorically, I am taking the notion of the tents which were on site during the Women’s Peace Camp, as the container for emotions, and ‘humanise’ these elements to create emotional surfaces.”– Yeah, okay… blah, blah, blah… I bet this is what it’s like inside the womb but without the slip n’ slide .
photos: Likecool