Designer Agnieszka Biernacka takes the world’s best toy, Legos, and makes them into jewelry and cool handbags. Her latest creation is the Lego Birkin bag. It sells for $400 and is a fully functioning handbag. This totally beats those old lady Birkin bags in ostrich or snake skin. Seriously, this is WAAAAAAAY cooler. She can make it any color you’d like, including with stripes and what not. This is so so awesome! Check out her etsy shop for more cool wearable Lego art.
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! That means tomorrow, all the candy and chocolates are half off! Yesssssssss! Here’s some pictures of my valentine this year:

And here’s Miss Mimi…. we are hoping for a kitty wedding between Mr. Miggins and Miss Mimi, but we have to wait until they stop killing each other’s asses first.
photos:Design Taxi