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As soon as you get to the San Diego Zoo , you immediately feel like you are boarding another world. A magical world where animals welcome you in their kingdom and where you should be a humble and respectful guest. This season there is no better place, but to grace the many “lands” of the San Diego Zoo. You will need the whole day, or even more, to discover the labyrinth of the various animal paths to various majestic creatures: from the multiple types of monkeys and apes, to the hippos to the lions and giraffes and even to the mystical red pandas or royal polar bears. Over a 100 acre of wildlife park, you will encounter over 12,000 rare and endangered animals and you will walk among 700,000 individual plants! Truly, you will feel transported in a pure, unified world where peace and love are not a dream, but a reality. Such a providential message after two exhausting years of a depressing pandemic. Make sure to check out the new habitats, recently added to the zoo- Such at the 2,700 square foot Komodo Kingdom, where you will face magnificent and mesmerizing lizards.
There are also many occasions to chill out between the mini-zoo sceneries as the San Diego team has, cleverly, spread all over the park many food areas and drink/munchies break zones. For kids, try the “Busy Bee Café” as they have “animal” friendly pizza slices and pasta bowl lunches which will keep their legs going in this vast impressive park. And for you, adult souls, you can always indulge with a beer or a vodka soda. And if you want a more deluxe dining experience make sure to make a reservation at “Albert’s Restaurant”; it has a private waterfall and a full-service bar.
Transportation within the park is also convenient as you can stroll along the many avenues by bus or even take a skyline ride above the ground, which offers a breathtaking horizon of the wild, wide park. Rarely, did we have such a memorable time with the whole family. And to make the day even more complete, our sons, Max (9) and Rex (7), “adopted” a stuff animal at the main store near the entrance of the zoo. And so, we went home with a fluffy giraffe and a soft red panda to keep our kids dreaming of new zoo adventures next time we are in San Diego. The yearly “rendez-vous” is in the book and we will make sure to be back. The Adventure continues…
For a more in-depth description of the San Diego Zoo, here is our exclusive interview with Marco Wendt, “Wildlife Ambassador” for the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance:
Q: Tell us what it means to be a Wildlife Ambassador.
Marco: It’s such an honor to be a wildlife ambassador for the last 26 years. I’m a teacher and a trainer. I also represent a lot of Latinos working in our community. I’m a son of Mexican immigrant, first generation born in San Diego, and I’m so proud of our wide family here at the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance.
Q: What is so unique and different with the San Diego Zoo?
Marco: First I want to support all zoos and aquariums around the world as I think they all are unique in their own right. What’s different here is that we have two large locations: the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Also, we are an international, non-profit conservation organization. So you can immerse yourself in so many wild life adventures and experiences. Because of our international alliance we are a global village. We are collaborating we 200 collaborators around the world and this is truly a unique situation.
Q: In what ways this is such a great destination for kids and their families?
Marco: First, the destination of San Diego in the heart of southern California is a must see. Locally, we have become a legend and this is for sure a favorite destination for all families visiting the area. Even the locals come several times a year and visit us. During the holidays, like right now with Christmas we have a special celebration: “Jungle Bell”. You can’t miss it as it is so joyful. Not only you build memories, but you participate to the conservatory of animals. And every time you buy a souvenir or a toys for your kids, you do support our financial efforts to keep going. And of course, with so much technology and distraction, it is, I think, quite welcomed for kids to re-connect with nature and with animals. It’s all about a more balanced life style. It’s so important during these times to re-connect, especially after the tough times everyone went through with the pandemic. It’s really about realizing we are all part of the same human and animal family.
Q: Compared to the times you and I grew up to today’s zoo; what is so different?
Marco: The conservation effort is truly at the heart of everything we do. Maybe it wasn’t the same way back. I think that today, as I mentioned it before there is a greater sense of family connection, nature connection than before. It’s also more interactive and you feel truly part of the zoo yourself. You’re not just a visitor but an active participant to a unique experience. Together we need to build a world where we can all thrive and be happy. And it’s a constant battle because there is still lots of loss of habitat, there is global warming and there is still animal trafficking. We are much more united as this alliance shows and we can have a global effect for the betterment of animal and wild life. I hope that people will feel the connection, the oneness we are part off whether someone lives in Costa Rica, or Moscow in Russia or here in San Diego…
Q: What is your top three favorite animals?
Marco: Haha, I love them all. But if I had to choose I would pick three birds. I just adore birds. I’m a bird guy at heart. The first one is the Crested Caracara . It’s a kind of pelican and vulture. There is one of these birds, “Phoenix”, at the zoo safari park and I always had a special connection with her, this majestic bird. My second favorite is the California Condor. It’s symbolic for me as a native of San Diego. These birds embody all of what we do with our conservation duties. We also brought back this bird from a near extinction. The beauty of this scavenger is quite amazing. The third one is a southern cassowary. This is such a large bird, like a modern-day dinosaur or an ostrich and it’s part of our Australian habitat.
Q: What is your vision for the future?
Marco: Truly, the word “Alliance” is everything for me. It’s the romantic vision fo all being connected and working together to build a better world. We all are human beings and we all are one.
Photos by: Jamie Wells and Roxanna Bina.
Interview by Emmanuel Itier