I haven’t posted any “What I Wore” posts in a very long time, so I decided to bring it back! I haven’t posted mainly because the past 2 years, my “what I wore” look was anything washable and baby vomit- proof and so on so forth… so I knew you didn’t want to see that! Any who, I am back at work as a journalist, which gives me a good reason to dress up all nice nice… Here’s a round-up of my latest outfits for several press events for the following movies: The David O. Russell film, “Joy” starring Jennifer Lawrence, for “Sisters” starring Amy Poehler and Tina Fey, for “Krampus” starring Toni Collette and Adam Scott, and “The Revenant” starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy.
Be sure to check out and subscribe to my Youtube to view all my interviews!
photos: moi