Check out this Handful Boobie Creamer! For a mere $10, you too can milk it like it was Salma Hayek’s ta-ta’s and you’re the third world baby. As a lactating mother, I can really appreciate this. Especially, when my 7 year old keeps asking me if he can have my milk too. I said I can put it in a cup for him to try and he said no. He’d rather drink from the source. Of course, I said no because I think that’s wicked gross, since he can do math and read books now. Anywho, he’s backed down thankfully… my husband on the other suggests we make cheese from my breastmilk- he’s French. And the cats, come around me when I’m feeding the baby… so basically everyone in the house wants a piece of me. Totally annoying at times. It’s like I’m a novelty item. So, yes! If this boobie creamer can get people off my ass (boob, really) then YAY.
photos: Like cool